The First Aid Performer

First Aid Performer

First Aid Performer

Go to China, learn Mandarin and you will rule the world, people often tend to say. Our future is in Chinese hands. Well, if you say so why not give it shot and learn about this huge country and its busy habitants? A few minutes later I sent my resume to the other side of the world and this is how my journey really started.

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A new day – a new beginning

Another person is living in my apartment now, a valid visa is sticking in my passport and my eyes are glancing at my cases for a last time. Do I have everything? Did I forget anything? Do I really have to go? In some hours my plane will take off to Shanghai. That’s what my Mum, the clock and my phone say. Though, I still can’t believe it. Wasn’t it yesterday when my parents pick me up from the airport in Frankfurt? Is it really the best time now to move on?

I don’t want to realize that it’s the time to say good bye again. Sadly I have to assert that it hasn’t become easier to say this word to my beloved family and friends. These last days at home were too fulfilling to bid farewell now. Well, here we go again. One more time I’m turning my back on the place I called home.

 Let the Journey begin

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